Grey Frandsen, Oxitec’s CEO, Shares More about Scaling for Impact in Malaria No More Webinar

This week Oxitec’s CEO, Grey Frandsen shared more about Oxitec’s mission to deliver large-scale impact for communities around the world in the Malaria No More-hosted “Path to Zero: Innovations to End Malaria” webinar, with Helen Jamet, Deputy Director for Vector Control at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and chaired by Malaria No More’s CEO, Martin Edlund.

The session, titled “Ushering in a new era of biotechnology for sustainable, scalable vector control” discussed the part that biotechnology can play in the fight against mosquito vector-borne diseases, and what it will take to transition from technology platform development to delivering global impact in communities threatened by malaria.

“There is a major need for new tools to combat malaria. And in this case, where the malaria fight is in some areas, stalling climate change is pushing vectors into new areas….Do these technologies play a role in the fight against malaria or dengue?...That's no longer the question. The question now is how fast can we get into the field….As other tools are failing or challenged, we certainly feel like this is going to be an important piece of the solution part, part of the puzzle that's going to be necessary for success in combating this vector.” - Grey Frandsen, CEO, Oxitec

Watch the discussion back in full below:


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